The Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) has confirmed its leader, Velupillai Prabhakaran, has been killed.
"We announce today, with inexpressible sadness and heavy hearts that our incomparable leader and supreme commander ... attained martyrdom fighting the military oppression," Selvarasa Pathmanathan, the LTTE's head of international relations, said in a statement on Sunday.
The Tigers said Prabhakaran had been killed on Tuesday during fighting between the LTTE and the Sri Lankan military and declared a week of mourning.
The military had previously announced Prabhakaran, 54, was shot on Monday while travelling in a small convoy of vehicles in a bid to escape the final battle between the two sides.
'Final request'
The LTTE statement read: "For over three decades, our leader was the heart and soul and the symbol of hope, pride and determination for the whole nation of people of Tamil Eelam,"
"Since the failure of the peace process and the escalation of the war forced upon the Tamil people, the LTTE was faced [sic] to confront the Sri Lankan military that was supported by the world powers.
"This deliberate bias and position taken by the international community severely weakened the military position of the LTTE.
"Our leader confronted this threat without any hesitation. He would not waver in his desire to be with his people and fight for his people till the end.
"His final request was for the struggle to continue until we achieved the freedom for his people.
"His legend and the historical status as the Greatest Tamil Leader ever are indestructible," Pathmanathan said in the statement.
courtesy: al jazeera tv [http://www.english.aljazeera.net]
இவ்வளவு தெளிவாக அறிக்கை வந்த பின்னும், நம்மூரில் உள்ள வைகோ, பழ.நெடுமாறன் & co. இன்னமும் தலைவர் சாகவில்லை என்று தொடர்ந்து சொல்லிவருகிறார்கள். இதில் தமிழ் இன போராட்டம் எங்கள் மூச்சு, பேச்சு என்றெல்லாம் சொல்லி வோட்டு கேட்ட ஒரு கட்சி, இப்போது டெல்லியில் முகாமிட்டு, திருவோடு ஏந்தாத குறையாக பதவிப் பிச்சை கேட்டு வருவதால் தற்காலிகமாக [?] ஈழ பிரச்சனையை மறந்துவிட்டது போலும்!