Are you tired of sleepless nights because of your manager's dadagiri? It's time you bulldozed the bully.
HOW many times have you cringed when your boss shouted at you in a meeting? Or tore that presentation you've worked hard on into bits? How many times have you tossed and turned at night re-enacting the scenes of the day? Welcome to the world of corporate bullying.
Is it any wonder that the TV commercial which spelled out the boss's name Hari Sadu as H for Hitler, A for arrogant, R for rascal and I for idiot… was such a hit? Well, you can continue to work the sweatshop routine or simply quit, but there are better ways to handle it. For those trying to turn a deaf ear to a boss's bullying or learning to massage his or her ego, there's good news. Many Indian companies, today, recognise corporate bullying as a grave cause for losing out on a good workforce.
"Workplaces today are infested with bullies, who are making their presence felt as 20per cent of the workplace population in corporate India. And it's not the employee alone but the company faces the heat as well. From absence from work to lack of motivation, which leads to fall in productivity," says Payal Shah, director, Inicio India, a stress audit company.
For the uninitiated, nit-picking, unwanted criticism, dumping work on others or deliberately leaving out someone from group activities are certain offences that constitute bullying. And the repercussions manifest in serious health issues ranging from stress to depression, recurring headaches and, in extreme cases, suicidal attempts. Psychologists say it can crush a high performer to the point that they feel paralysed.
Isn't it true that besides a hefty pay packet and attractive perks, we seek dignity at work and peace of mind? As the saying goes, people leave managers, not companies… but make that bullies, instead. With the changing dynamics of the corporate world, where every second person comes with a fancy degree and lofty dreams, equations are changing and with that the aura of the 'boss' is fast fading. Any deserving person in the company can be the boss by the next term. In that case, why bear the brunt of a team leader and supposed mentor who behaves like a wannabe contender for a screamfest? Or why cry your heart out when the bitchy senior leaves you out of a co-worker’s weekend dinner? "You are here by your own virtue and qualification, then why suffer in silence?" asks Jayashree M Sundar, ex-president (north) of Leo Burnett.
So, what would be the best way to crush the monster? "Be the best at your job, so that no one can look down on you. Bullies usually prey on less assertive, highly emotional and vulnerable people. Even if your first reaction is to swallow your pride, it's advisable to have an upfront conversation," says Pritha Dutt of Feedback Ventures.
It's good to remember that in a cut-throat corporate atmosphere, where you have to have 'arrived' by the age of 30, people tend to resort to unscrupulous tactics. But expecting is one thing, accepting it is another. Bullying is sly in nature, therefore, it's difficult for the victim to report it.
Interestingly, research reveals that women too play a great role in bullying, whether doing the bullying or being at the receiving end.
With almost "90 per cent of people leaving their jobs because of mental harassment" as Shah puts it, companies are putting in place policies that would protect victims. "Most banks and IT companies are making their offices 'bully-proof' by creating office cultures that discourage this menace," says Pancham Dogra, chief manager, Times Business Solutions Ltd.
-Never back off if you believe that the bullying is unjust
-Tell him or her that you will be talking to senior management
-Don't allow yourself to become a victim
-Nothing works better than an upfront conversation
from Times of India, 25 Jun'08