Snake wine and Scorpion wine are Asian beverages that can be found in some Southeast Asian countries such as Vietnam, Thailand, Laos Cambodia, Korea, and Japan.
To prepare this incredible beverage a cobra snake or some scorpions are put into a bottle filled with transparent rice wine liquor and some herbs are added before the drink is left to ferment for months. The venomous cobra snake used to make Snake wine is preserved to have the snake poison dissolved in the rice wine, as snake venom is protein-based its harmful effects are rendered inactive by the denaturing effects of ethanol that makes this wine a healthy liquor with many good(!) benefits.
Many types of snake drinks can be found all across Asia, but the most famous one and the only original one is the one (my God, how many one!) found in Vietnam, Thailand, and Laos.
This wine is believed to be a natural medecine to treat different health problems such as rheumatism, lumbago, and other health problems or acute pain. Snake wine is also believed to be a strong natural aphrodisiac.
The price for this incredible and rare gift (!) is only 49 Euros, 34 British Pounds, or 69 USD, AIRMAIL SHIPPING INCLUDED.
As seen and read in http://www.asiansnakewine.com/
யக்...தள்ளுங்கப்பா, சாப்டதெல்லாம் வாந்தியா வரப் போவுது!
I have a surprise news for all of you. Our good old friend Ganesh Syndicate Bank was here today at my office and we had a long chat about all of us. He was enquiring abour all of our Ramya friends.
Your blog was very useful in showing him the photograph of all our friends. He wishes you a good and successful Malaysian Trip.
He conveys his warm regards to all of you.