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Let's Kill Gandhi

Mahatma Gandhi's great grandson,Tushar A Gandhi, has written & released a book called "Let's Kill Gandhi."

In this book he has alleged that Brahmins were behind the death of Mahatma. According to him (in the book) Brahmins had tried to kill Mahatma on several occasions and finally one Brahmin (Nathuram Godse) succeeded in the attempt. This comment has, naturally, provoked a lot of heated discussions and now Tushar is trying to retract his comment.

Clarifying his recent remarks on the issue, he said in a statement that he had not referred to the Brahmin community as a whole. "I am not in the habit of making generalised statement and branding an entire community for the sins of the few. An unnecessary controversy has been ignited due to misreporting of certain observations made by me," Gandhi said referring to remarks made at a function to release his book Let's kill Gandhi on Tuesday.

"What I had said was that a group of Poona Brahmins were constantly hounding Bapu and were involved in many attempts on his life from 1934 (and) these were the same persons who were eventually responsible for his murder in 1948," the statement read.

"While saying this and standing by my statement, I reiterate that when I had made the statement, it pertained to a group of Poona Brahmins and their supporters elsewhere, not the entire Brahman community," it said.

Ok, I have two questions to Tushar A Gandhi: why did you choose the title as "Let's Kill Gandhi"? Why not something sober like "Conspiracy behind Mahatma's Death"? Secondly, why are you unnecessarily pulling Brahmins in to this?

Poor Mahatma! After more than 50 years of his death, his great grandson has been trying make people to remember him (Mahatma) for wrong reasons!


We need not kill Gandhi again.
Already Gandhi kulla has become the uniform of drunken and corrupt selfish Congress politicians.
Already the fasting undertaken by Gandhi to press the Govt to meet the demands has become a mockery in the hands of all fraudulant politicians and anti social elements.
Gandhi is at present living in currency notes only silently watching every happenings around him .

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