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Kamal Hassan & Controversies

Its no doubt Kamal Hassan is a multi-faceted film personality-excellent actor, script writer, fabulous dancer (or used to be one), soon to be an exemplary director-yet, why he is sometimes openly delaying his movies?

Is the delay is due to controversies-like his all famous tussles with almost all his directors, naming of the movie (Mumbai Express, Sandiyar etc.) and sometime civil suites against(atleast most of his) movies.

Another thing which is bogging him down is his reluctance to come out in the open & say that, "Ok,I am only person who can direct me." Or if he is comfortable with his directors, why there are so many news items about his tussle with almost all his directors? Is it a hype created by the media? Some of his detractors even say it is a way with Kamal to make people talk about his movies, so that the tempo is well maintained till the release of any movie. As a hardcore Kamal fan, right from my school days (am now in my early 40's), its hard for me to digest this information.

Kamal should come out to direct more movies. Everyone knows that Anbe Sivam was an out & out Kamal movie and not possible to be a movie from Sundar C. We have seen all the trashes directed/produced by him till recently. Then what about Thevar Magan? Kurudhippunal? Apoorva Sagodharargal? What is stopping him from declaring the whole world that these are all his movies? Unfortunately Hey Ram, where he openly agreed to be the director, failed at the box office due to various reasons, despite the presence of Kamal, Shah Rukh Khan, Rani Mukherjee and many others. This should not deter him from accepting his directorial prowess.

His obsession with the making of Marudhanayakam; will it ever see the light? Why is big time producers like AVM, Oscar Ravichandran, R.B.Chaudhry and others are not helping him in producing the movie? Is there any fear among their minds that this movie may not be commercially viable?

Whatever, no one should ever forget to say thanks to Gautam Menon for bringing in the josh back in to his movies, through Vettaiyaadu Vilayaadu. This movie really makes everyone thinks that Kamal certainly needs to be directed by high calibre directors like Gautam Menon, Mani Rathnam, Shankar, K.S.Ravikumar to name a few. These people are really capable of bringing out the best in Kamal. So that he will not act in movies like Kaadhala Kaadhala or Mumbai Express again.

Like any world class champion, only Kamal can better his own previous performance, because no other actor can ever come near his performance. All the copycats like Ajiths, Vikrams, Suriyas.... sorry guys, he is miles & miles ahead of you. Suriya & Vikram should stop thinking that by changing make-up and appreance alone they can become Kamal Haasan. Come on guys, be original.


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